Stress 5 Veranstaltungen

Verwandte Suchbegriffe: wird geladen ...


Ort / Umkreis

  • 500 km
  • 250 km
  • 100 km
  • 50 km
  • Nur Online

Dauer der Veranstaltung



Preisspanne / Budget


Sponsored Management-Institut Dr. A. Kitzmann GmbH & Co. KG (27)

Konfliktwahrnehmung: Eigenes Verhalten und Einstellung: Analyse typischer Konfliktsituationen, Konflikte lösen: konfliktschaffendes und konfliktlösendes Verhalten, Umgang mit Vorwürfen, Kritik und Streitigkeiten, Konfliktfähigkeit: Konfliktdiagnose u...

  • Seminar / Kurs
  • Grundlagen
  • Bildungsgutschein
  • Durchführung garantiert


Sponsored High5 2Rise AG

Wie schaffe ichmehr am Tagohne mich kaputt zu machen?, Wie finde und behalte ich denFokus?, Wie sorge ich für Ergebnisse, die mich mitStolzerfüllen?, Wie reduziere ich mein"Verzetteln"?, Wie bleibe ichmotiviertbeim Umsetzen?

  • Training / Workshop
  • Ohne Einstufung
  • Durchführung garantiert


Berlitz Seminars EMEA (7)

There is no escape from stress – working from home, within the family, even in our free time. It has long been known that stress is one of the most serious health risk factors and, in the worst case, can even make us ill. It robs us of precious worki...

  • Webinar
  • Ohne Einstufung


Berlitz Seminars EMEA (7)

Time is one of the most valuable resources for professional success today. When you don’t have enough time, stress is the inevitable result, as the growing backlog of unfinished work takes its predictable toll. So it’s all the more important to use y...

  • Webinar
  • Ohne Einstufung


Berlitz Seminars EMEA (7)

In the digital age, we are constantly confronted with new information and interruptions. It’s challenging to stay on top of things and simultaneously minimize distractions. We teach you the fundamentals you need to better handle interruptions, stream...

  • Webinar
  • Ohne Einstufung


Berlitz Seminars EMEA (7)

How can you muster your resources and energy to deal with the challenges, conflicts, and stress of the workplace? By cultivating psychological resilience – the mental ability to recover from crises quickly. It helps you develop the inner strength and...

  • Webinar
  • Ohne Einstufung


Berlitz Seminars EMEA (7)

In times of constant change, resource-oriented self-management is one of the keys to professional and personal success. There will always be times when a heavy workload, scarce resources, or difficult situations demand a lot from us. It is important...

  • Webinar
  • Ohne Einstufung