PMI Production Management Institute GmbH 17 Veranstaltungen

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Sponsored Accounting & Controlling-Akademie (10)

Betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse sind heutzutage auch für Nicht-Betriebswirte unerlässlich. Dieses praxisorientierte Seminar ermöglicht Ihnen einen leicht verständlichen Einstieg in die Welt der Betriebswirtschaft – ganz ohne Vorkenntnisse. Dazu we...

  • Seminar / Kurs
  • Grundlagen
  • Bildungsgutschein
  • Durchführung garantiert


Sponsored Team Dr. Rosenkranz GmbH (15)

Das Management-Training des Teams Dr. Rosenkranz wirkt. So geben rund 98 % von 5000 TeilnehmerInnen an, dass sie ihr Führungsverhalten verbesserten, 85 % konnten Feedback produktiver annehmen und geben und knapp 82 % konnten schwierige Situationen konstruktiver anzusprechen.


PMI Production Management Institute GmbH (11)

The ASCM Planning Certificate provides technical knowledge and strategies for synchronized planning in order to produce effective end products. Topics covered include understanding synchronized planning, linking business strategy to company plans, fl...

  • Webinar
  • Ohne Einstufung


PMI Production Management Institute GmbH (11)

Die meisten Supply Chains kämpfen mit massiven Beständen, Kapazitätsunter- oder -überlast sowie der Einhaltung ihrer Customer Service Versprechen. Der Grund hierfür liegt in Bedarfsprognosen, die zu unausgeglichenen Beständen führen. Das zwingt die P...

  • Webinar
  • Experte


PMI Production Management Institute GmbH (11)

Die meisten Supply Chains kämpfen mit massiven Beständen, Kapazitätsunter- oder -überlast sowie der Einhaltung ihrer Customer Service Versprechen. Der Grund hierfür liegt in Bedarfsprognosen, die zu unausgeglichenen Beständen führen. Das zwingt die P...

  • Webinar
  • Experte


PMI Production Management Institute GmbH (11)

The ASCM Technology Certificate covers key technologies that can streamline and improve operational performance, bolster reliability and advance processes, minimize security threats, and make informed and reliable decisions that affect overall supply...

  • Webinar
  • Ohne Einstufung


PMI Production Management Institute GmbH (11)

The ASCM Warehousing Certificate provides a broad logistics overview, covering topics such as loading and shipping processes, effective order fulfillment, inventory management systems, managing customer returns, sustainable work practices, structured...

  • Webinar
  • Ohne Einstufung


PMI Production Management Institute GmbH (11)

The Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model is the leading supply chain management framework. It is linking business processes, performance metrics, practices and people skills into a unified structure in a unique way. Companies that apply SCO...

  • Seminar / Kurs
  • Fortgeschritten


PMI Production Management Institute GmbH (11)

2 x 3 webinar days. __________________ Logistics is top-of-mind for EVERY company delivering products to customers. By earning the Certified in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution (CLTD) designation, you’ll learn best practices along with the...

  • Webinar
  • Fortgeschritten


PMI Production Management Institute GmbH (11)

2 x 4 days seminar with different session locations (Session 1 Hamburg - Session 2 Munich OR Session 1 Munich - Session 2 Hamburg). _____________________ Resilience and agility are what make supply chains thrive. By earning the APICS Certified in Pla...

  • Seminar / Kurs
  • Fortgeschritten


PMI Production Management Institute GmbH (11)

The concept of Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) is neither new nor secret. Firms focus on this topic with the idea of coordinating activities of supply and demand while simultaneously integrating the business strategy coupled with their own unique...

  • Training / Workshop
  • Fortgeschritten


PMI Production Management Institute GmbH (11)

2 x 3 days seminar with different session locations (Session 1 Hamburg - Session 2 Munich OR Session 1 Munich - Session 2 Hamburg). _____________________ Over the last decade, global Supply Chains have witnessed significant diruptions triggered by en...

  • Seminar / Kurs
  • Experte


PMI Production Management Institute GmbH (11)

The ASCM Procurement Certificate focuses on the procurement function and covers topics such as developing a strategic sourcing strategy,, establishing effective procurement policies,, selecting optimal suppliers,, engaging in effective contract manag...

  • Webinar
  • Ohne Einstufung


PMI Production Management Institute GmbH (11)

In vielen Firmen fehlen oft eine gemeinsame Supply Chain Management Sprache und ein einheitliches Verständnis für Prozesse, Verantwortlichkeiten und Tools. Dies führt zu vielen Reibungsverlusten durch Missverständnisse und ausschweifenden Erklärungen...

  • Seminar / Kurs
  • Grundlagen


PMI Production Management Institute GmbH (11)

2 x 3 days seminar with different session locations (Session 1 Hamburg - Session 2 Munich OR Session 1 Munich - Session 2 Hamburg). _____________________ Now more than ever before, supply chain is essential for businesses to run, consumers to get the...

  • Seminar / Kurs
  • Experte


PMI Production Management Institute GmbH (11)

In vielen Firmen fehlen oft eine gemeinsame Supply Chain Management Sprache und ein einheitliches Verständnis für Prozesse, Verantwortlichkeiten und Tools. Dies führt zu vielen Reibungsverlusten durch Missverständnisse und ausschweifenden Erklärungen...

  • Seminar / Kurs
  • Grundlagen


PMI Production Management Institute GmbH (11)

workshop series "Supply Chain Practice Workshops" offers an intensive learning experience through the use of business simulations developed by our education partner Inchainge. The concept aims to deepen participants' understanding of key supply chain...

  • Training / Workshop
  • Fortgeschritten


PMI Production Management Institute GmbH (11)

In today’s global, volatile and competitive environment with demanding customers and shorter product life cycles, many companies have focused on their core competencies and outsourced any activities which are considered non-core. This has created a c...

  • E-Learning
  • Experte


PMI Production Management Institute GmbH (11)

Many organizations in today’s environment are active on a worldwide basis with sourcing, assembling, manufacturing and distributing networks spanning the globe. This has led to an increased importance of the physical movement of raw materials, parts...

  • E-Learning
  • Fortgeschritten