Management / Führung 8 Veranstaltungen

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Sponsored Selectes GmbH Ges. f. Personalmanagement u. Weiterbildung (13)

1. Tag Standortbestimmung Reflektion der eigenen Führungsrolle, Bisherige Erfahrungen mit Kollegen, Mitarbeitern und Vorgesetzten, Rollenerwartungen und Rollenkonflikte, Umgang mit Spannungsfeldern und Wertekonflikten (Nähe oder Distanz, Gleichbehand...

  • Seminar / Kurs
  • Ohne Einstufung
  • Durchführung garantiert

CA - Soziale Kompetenzen (CAP)

Sponsored CA controller akademie (42)

Die CAP-Workshops sind eine Kombination aus begleitetem Lernen, nützlicher Theorie und praxisorientierter Beratung - und sie sind für den Ausbau persönlicher kompetenzen konzipiert. Konkrete Hilfestellungen für die Verhaltensdimension im Controlling bilden den Kern von CA - Soziale Kompetenzen.


ESMT Berlin - European School of Management and Technology GmbH (17)

Become the leader you aspire to be The Executive Transition Program (ETP) prepares experienced senior-level managers and functional executives for the next stage of their career; the transition to general management. Advancing to the highest levels o...

  • Seminar / Kurs
  • Fortgeschritten


ESMT Berlin - European School of Management and Technology GmbH (17)

High-potentials assigned to their first significant leadership role need to prove themselves to their superiors, their teams, and peers. Succeeding requires a profound change in both skills and mindset: from a talent who delivers value individually t...

  • Seminar / Kurs
  • Experte
  • Durchführung garantiert


Haufe Akademie GmbH & Co. KG (1289)

Developing successful teams What makes a successful team?, Challenges of leading intercultural teams/virtual teams., Creating values and goals., Developing team code of conduct and buy in. Leading and managing a team  Differences between leading...

  • Webinar
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Haufe Akademie GmbH & Co. KG (1289)

Developing successful teams What makes a successful team?, Challenges of leading intercultural teams/virtual teams., Creating values and goals., Developing team code of conduct and buy in. Leading and managing a team  Differences between leading...

  • Seminar / Kurs
  • Ohne Einstufung


Haufe Akademie GmbH & Co. KG (1289)

The personal working style Analyse and make the best use of your own working style as a leader., Avoid typical time traps in self-organisation., Identify the opportunities and risks of delegation and teamwork. Core tasks: Setting and maintaining prio...

  • Webinar
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Haufe Akademie GmbH & Co. KG (1289)

The personal working style Analyse and make the best use of your own working style as a leader, Avoid typical time traps in self-organisation, Identify the opportunities and risks of delegation and teamwork Core tasks: Setting and maintaining priorit...

  • Webinar
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ESMT Berlin - European School of Management and Technology GmbH (17)

With corporations facing ever increasing economic, geopolitical, and ecological pressures, there is constant confrontation with new dynamics and risks. This environment calls for a distinctive set of skills that enables managers to identify the sourc...

  • Seminar / Kurs
  • Ohne Einstufung
  • Durchführung garantiert


Fast Lane Institute for Knowledge Transfer

Tag 1: Projektmanagement – Basics Dieser Kurs ist eine Einführung in klassisches IT-Projektmanagement. Sie erwerben ein grundlegendes Verständnis für die Funktionen und Einsatzmöglichkeiten von klassischem Projektmanagement.Tag 2: Agiles Projektmanag...

  • Webinar
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