with 58 Veranstaltungen

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GFU Cyrus AG (113)

Introduction to Bootstrap 5: Getting started with Bootstrap 5, Mobile-first design principles, Advantages of using Bootstrap 5 , Bootstrap Installation and Customization: Integrating Bootstrap 5 into HTML files, Using Bootstrap 5 CDN (Content Delive...

  • Seminar / Kurs
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GFU Cyrus AG (113)

Introduction to Test Automation Testing Software, Automated vs. Manual Tests, Types of Automated Tests (Unit Test, Integration Test, Acceptance Test), Overview of Test Coverage Measurement , Fundamentals of JUnit Overview of the JUnit Framework, Inte...

  • Seminar / Kurs
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GFU Cyrus AG (113)

Introduction to Data Analytics with KNIME Introduction and ContextOverview of Data Science, Data Analytics, and related fields, Chances and Risks of Data Science, Tools for interactive reporting, Communikation and reporting, Tools for data analysis...

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GFU Cyrus AG (113)

Einführung in die Netzwerkanalyse und Wireshark Am ersten Tag werden die Grundlagen der Netzwerkanalyse und die Bedeutung der Packet Analysis für die Netzwerksicherheit beleuchtet. Sie erhalten eine detaillierte Einführung in Wireshark, einschließlic...

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GFU Cyrus AG (113)

Erste Schritte mit Windows PowerShell Überblick über Windows PowerShell, Verstehen der Windows PowerShell-Befehlssyntax, Suchen von Befehlen und Abrufen von Hilfe in Windows PowerShell , Windows PowerShell für die Verwaltung lokaler Systeme Cmdlets z...

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GFU Cyrus AG (113)

Erste Schritte Erklärung der Power BI Produktfamilie, Rollen in Power BI Projekten , Daten in Power BI vorbereiten Identifizieren und Abrufen von Daten aus verschiedenen Datenquellen, Korrektur von Datenfehlern , Bereinigen, Transformieren und Laden...

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GFU Cyrus AG (113)

Introduction to Kubernetes Containerization and orchestration overview, Kubernetes architecture and components, Installing and configuring a Kubernetes cluster , Managing Pods and Deployments Creating and managing Pods, Configuring Pod networking and...

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GFU Cyrus AG (113)

Erstellen erweiterter FunktionenUmwandlung eines Befehls in eine erweiterte Funktion, Ein Skriptmodul erstellen, Definieren von Parameterattributen und Input-Validierung, Funktionen schreiben, die Pipeline-Eingaben akzeptieren, Komplexe Pipeline-Ausg...

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GFU Cyrus AG (113)

Spring Boot Essentials Review Recap of Spring Boot basics and key features , Spring Boot Testing Test with JUnit 5 Jupiter, Integration and Unit Testing, Test-Configuration , Spring Boot Configuration Custom Starters with Autoconfiguration and Proper...

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GFU Cyrus AG (113)

Day 1: Introduction to Spring Boot Introduction to Spring Framework and Spring Boot, Spring Boot advantages and features, Setting up the development environment, Creating a basic Spring Boot application, Understanding Spring Boot auto-configuration,...

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GFU Cyrus AG (113)

Diese Agenda ist auch Bestandteil (3.-4. Tag) des Kurses Spring Boot Testing Test with JUnit 5 Jupiter , Spring Boot Configuration Build your own Starter with Autoconfiguration and Properties , Spring Boot Reactive Reactive Programming, Reactor Cor...

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GFU Cyrus AG (113)

Introduction to Spring Boot Motivation for using Spring Boot, Comparison of Spring Boot and Java EE, Features of Spring Boot, Versions of Spring Boot , Setting up a Spring Boot project with dependencies (Starter Maven & Gradle), Understanding and usi...

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GFU Cyrus AG (113)

Introduction to Docker and Kubernetes Containerization overview, Benefits of containerization, Use cases for Docker and Kubernetes , Docker Fundamentals Installing Docker, Docker architecture and componentsDocker Engine, Docker Images, Docker Contain...

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GFU Cyrus AG (113)

Session 1:Introduction to C# programming language, Basic syntax and program structure, Variables and data types, Console input/output, Operators and expressions, Introduction to ADO.NET , Session 2:Control structures (if/else, switch/case, loops), Me...

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GFU Cyrus AG (113)

MUnit Integration into sbt, Declaring Tests, Asynchronous Tests, Assertions, Fixtures, Running, ignoring and filtering Tests, Converting Tests written with ScalaTest , ScalaCheck Integration into sbt, Properties, Generators, Test Execution, Test Case...

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GFU Cyrus AG (113)

Introduction to Apache Maven and Course Objectives Overview of Apache Maven and its role in software development., Explanation of the reasons for attending the course and its benefits. , Maven Installation and Setup Step-by-step guidance on installin...

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GFU Cyrus AG (113)

XProc Grundlagen Der Namespace , Übersicht: Elemente und Attribute von XProc, Steps, Ports, Pipelines, Der XProc-Prozessor Calabash, Überblick: Editoren , XProc: Wichtige Elemente zur Ablaufsteuerung p:declare-step, p:input port="source", p:input por...

  • Seminar / Kurs
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GFU Cyrus AG (113)

Excel user interface The ribbon, Quick Access Toolbar, The backstage view, Functions bar and Name Box, Status bar with information areas and display controls, Workbook and spreadsheet structure, Context menus , Using Excel Help Help resources on Offi...

  • Seminar / Kurs
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GFU Cyrus AG (113)

1.-2. Tag: Auch separat buchbar als Spring Boot Motivation, Features, Versions , Spring Boot Basics Dependencies (Starter Maven & Gradle), Autoconfiguration, Running Everywhere & Bootstrap, OCI Container und Native Image , Spring Boot Testing Spring...

  • Seminar / Kurs
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GFU Cyrus AG (113)

Introduction to Docker and Containerization Understanding Docker and its benefits, Installing Docker and setting up the development environment, Docker architecture and key components (Docker Engine, Docker Images, Docker Containers), Building and ru...

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