Project management 6 Veranstaltungen

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Sponsored ICO Institut für Coaching & Organisationsberatung (1)

In der zertifizierten Ausbildung erlernen Sie vor dem Hintergrund systemischer Ansätze Diagnose- und Interventionsmethoden für die Beratung von Einzelpersonen und Teams Umfang: 7 Module à 3 Tage und 5 Peergruppentreffen, Dauer: ca. 10-12 Monate, durc...

  • Seminar / Kurs
  • Grundlagen


Sponsored ESMT Berlin - European School of Management and Technology GmbH (11)

Der/die General Manager*in stellt sich täglich neuen Herausforderungen, um die Stabilität seines/ihres Bereichs oder Unternehmens sicherzustellen. Es wird von ihm/ihr erwartet, auf die unterschiedlichsten Entwicklungen erfolgreich zu reagieren oder d...

  • Seminar / Kurs
  • Ohne Einstufung


CMW Michael Wigge (1)

Michael Wigge made a name for himself as a challenge adventure reporter before his career as a speaker. He appeared on ZDFneo, Stern TV , WDR, The Tonight and on The Today Show in the US and is certified as an ICF Coach. Michael became known to a lar...

  • Webinar
  • Ohne Einstufung
  • Durchführung garantiert


CMW Michael Wigge (1)

In this online workshop, trainer and speaker Michael Wigge works through his five modules of successful self- and time management with employees and managers. Want to improve your professional development? Our seminars for self- and time management c...

  • Inhouse
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  • Durchführung garantiert


CMW Michael Wigge (1)

Stress management coach Michael Wigge supports his clients in establishing a mindful lifestyle in combination with burnout prevention. Through his adventure formats at ZDFneo, he has gained real-life experience in acute stress management through "Ohn...

  • Inhouse
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  • Durchführung garantiert


CMW Michael Wigge (1)

Do you feel those uncomfortable feelings when you keep putting things off? Would you like to finally put an end to procrastination and have a work life with good structure and motivation? In this case the seminar can help you a lot, because Michael W...

  • Inhouse
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CMW Michael Wigge (1)

Do you literally want to seek change with a "Challenger Mindset" instead of perceiving it as a hurdle? Would you like to improve results in times of change without shying away from challenges? Or would you like to work on how to proactively approach...

  • Inhouse
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  • Durchführung garantiert


CMW Michael Wigge (1)

Do you literally want to embrace change with a "Challenger Mindset" instead of perceiving it as a hurdle? Would you like to improve results in times of change without shying away from challenges? Or would you like to work on how to proactively approa...

  • Inhouse
  • Ohne Einstufung
  • Durchführung garantiert