Fast Lane Institute for Knowledge Transfer

Day 1 Module 0: Course Introduction Course preparation activities and agendaModule 1: Container Fundamentals Design principles for building applications, What are containers?, Components of a container, Writing DockerfilesModule 2: Kubernetes Fundame...

  • Seminar / Kurs
  • Ohne Einstufung


Fast Lane Institute for Knowledge Transfer

Day One Module 0: Introduction Pre-assessmentModule 1: Introduction to Machine Learning and the ML Pipeline Overview of machine learning, including use cases, types of machine learning, and key concepts, Overview of the ML pipeline, Introduction to c...

  • Seminar / Kurs
  • Ohne Einstufung


Fast Lane Institute for Knowledge Transfer

Course IntroductionIntroductions and course logistics, Course objectivesIntroduction to Containers and KubernetesDifferentiate between containers and virtual machines, Identify the parts of a container system, List the steps in a basic Docker workflo...

  • Seminar / Kurs
  • Ohne Einstufung


Fast Lane Institute for Knowledge Transfer

1 Course Introduction Introductions and course logistics, Course objectives2 Site Recovery Manager Architecture Describe Site Recovery Manager architecture, Identify disaster recovery options with Site Recovery Manager, Evaluate how Site Recovery Man...

  • Seminar / Kurs
  • Ohne Einstufung