Interviewing Skills in English Preparing, managing and learning from - Seminar / Kurs von DIIR - Deutsches Institut für Interne Revision e.V.

Interviewing Skills in English Preparing, managing and learning from interviews conducted in English


This seminar takes a highly interactive and practice focused approach to interviewing in English. The „Do-Debrief“ methodology means you will practice language and interviewing skills at the same time to apply the experience in the field. You need to be well prepared, understand what your hear, and identify the cues that indicate more investigation is required. You also need to be able to understand the underlying messages you are receiving and probe through questioning, clarifying and listening techniques. The course will support you to achieve these goals.
This seminar takes a highly interactive and practice focused approach to interviewing in English. The „Do-Debrief“ methodology means you will practice language and interviewing skills at the same tim ... Mehr Informationen >>

SG-Seminar-Nr.: 5505185

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  • Seminar / Kurs
  • Deutsch
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