We care about the health of our participants and trainers.Therefore this training is very exclusive with only a limited number of participants. There is an excellent hygiene concept throughout the hotel and the event room.
Our trainers are fully vaccinated.
The Data Vault Boot Camp is an introductory and intermediate class that takes you through the why, what and how of Data Vault 2.0. It includes the coverage of business justifications, covering a host of new topics, above and beyond just Data Vault modeling.
This class covers modeling, methodology, architecture, and implementation – a true system of Business Intelligence scope, which turns thestudent into a practitioner. Despite the current information available in the book “Building a Scalable Data Warehouse with Data Vault 2.0”, the boot camp course addresses more in-depth analysis of the concepts behind DataVault 2.0. In addition, it also contains a myriad of topics not covered before, including best practices.
The course provides ETL design paradigms, working templates (both conceptual and SQL) and best practices for successful Data Vault 2.0 implementation. Among others this class provides an in-depth explanation on how to upgrade your DV1.0 system to DV2.0
Computer based training, online only (preparation videos for live training)
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
We care about the health of our participants and trainers.Therefore this training is very exclusive with only a limited number of participants. There is an excellent hygiene concept throughout the h ...
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