PDA Virus Conference 2024 - Kongress / Konferenz von PDA Europe gGmbH


Dear Colleague,

We would like to welcome you to join the PDA Virus Conference 2024  to be held on 26-27 June 2024 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

The Implementation of the newly published ICH Q5A into practice is a topic that all of the biopharmaceutical industry is eagerly discussing.  Four main areas have been significantly updated in the new revision which has a major impact on the viral safety strategies for biological products. The revision expands the possibility of using prior knowledge for validation of viral clearance. The scope of the new ICH Q5A has been extended to cover new, advanced therapy, product types such as certain viral vectors (along with their helper viruses used at vector production). The implementation of virus safety principles in continuous manufacturing processes highlights several unique challenges which are discussed in new chapters of the guideline. One of the most significant changes in the new revision is the acknowledgment and implementation of advanced technologies such as next-generation sequencing and PCR for virus detection and the potential use of these technologies for replacing commonly used in vivo and in vitro adventitious agent tests.

We are excited to announce that this year's opening plenary talk will include a patient perspective.

Check out the agenda which is intended to initiate and support discussion and professional exchange through the diversity of scientific presentations. Meet exhibitors, listen to poster sessions, and enjoy a lot of networking opportunities.

Join us in Amsterdam to listen to different talks and discuss challenges with our experts.


The Co-Chairs

Dear Colleague,

We would like to welcome you to join the PDA Virus Conference 2024  to be held on 26-27 June 2024 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

The Implementation of the newly published ICH Q5 ...

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Pharma Companies Biopharmaceutical Companies Start-ups/Emerging Companies Suppliers/Vendors Raw Materials Consumables Equipment Governmental Health Authorities National/Local Authorities European Authorities International Authorities Service Providers CDMOs Contract Test Laboratories Logistic Companies Consultancy Freelancer Consulting Firms Academia Universities Academic Research Institu

Pharma Companies Biopharmaceutical Companies Start-ups/Emerging Companies Suppliers/Vendors Raw Materials Consumables Equipment Governmental Health Authorities National/Local Authorities European Auth ...

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