Verpackungen 4 Veranstaltungen

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PTS Training Service (60)

Sensibilisierung für die Bedeutung der Verpackung und die Qualität Pharmazeutische Ware ohne Verpackung ist kein Arzneimittel, sondern Sondermüll. Erst die Kennzeichnung und die Packungsbeilage garantieren den bestimmungsgemässen Gebrauch. Die Verpac...

  • Training / Workshop
  • Grundlagen


PDA Europe gGmbH (14)

This workshop focuses on theoretical and practical fundamentals of various CCI testing technologies and provides a systematic approach to applying these testing methods for CCI verification throughout drug product lifecycle. The Workshop will enable...

  • Training / Workshop
  • Ohne Einstufung


PDA Europe gGmbH (14)

Glass vials, ampoules, syringes and cartridges are commonly used in packaging of parenteral pharmaceuticals. Good glass handling practices are essential to assuring glass-based container performance as intended in maintaining the safety and efficacy...

  • Training / Workshop
  • Ohne Einstufung


PTS Training Service (60)

Information (EN) Learn about the background, effects and details regarding the current changes and extensions of the ISPE GAMP®5 Second Edition which was released in August 2022. In 2008, ISPE set GAMP®5 as the recognized state of science and techn...

  • Training / Workshop
  • Experte